


Pet 8 Cat Dangler Cat Stick Toy(47cm) 3fish

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This 47cm cat dangler toy features a durable black rod with three attractive blue fish-shaped attachments decorated in a scale pattern. The wand includes gold-colored accents and comes with multiple dangling fish lures to engage your cat's hunting instincts during playtime. Key features: • 47cm length wand for extended reach • Three fish-shaped attachments with blue scale pattern • Durable black rod construction • Decorative gold accents • Multiple dangling lures for varied play • Lightweight and easy to maneuver The toy comes packaged in a protective sleeve with illustrated graphics. The fish attachments are securely fastened to the wand with strong cords, allowing them to move naturally during play while remaining durable. The mermaid-scale pattern on the blue fish lures adds an attractive aesthetic while providing an interesting texture for cats to engage with.