Salads & Appetizers
Ready Meals
Pasta & Sauces
Noodles & Soup
Freshly Baked
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Cakes & Pastries
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15 Alaska Hake Breaded Sticks
10 Appetizer Mini Waffles
8 Appetizer Mini Panini
9 Mini Pizza
Breaded Mozzarella Sticks
Int Picard 2 Crusty With
Cannelloni With Ricotta & Spinach
Gnocchi Pan Fry Tomatoes
Mashed Potato With Black Truffle
Oragnic Ratatouille
Veggie Lasagnes
Int Picard 2 Orga Tarts
Mushroom And Truffle Pizza
Pizza Margherita
Coral Lentil Cream Soup
Squash And Cheese Gratin
Green Asparagus
Organic Green Beans
Organic Potato Puree
Trio Of Peppers
Vegetable Bites
10 Mini All Butter Croissants
10 Mini Pain Au Chocolate
2 Brioches Pain Perdu
6 Crepes Made With Whole Milk
6 Mini Italian Bread Frozen
6 Waffles
8 All Butter Croissants
4 Chocolate Eclairs
6 Passion Fruit, Lychee, Strawberry Mochis
6 Tutti Futti
Madagascar Vanilla Ice Cream
Normandy Apple Tart 660G
1 Serving Custard Tart
2 Moelleux Au Chocolat
4 Coffee Eclairs - Choux Pastry, Crème Pâtissière With Coffee, Coffee Icing
4 Portugese Egg Tarts
Crunchy Chocolate Pastry
Opera Petit Trianon