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الأسلوب التخيلي في القرآن

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This book, titled 'The Imaginative Style in the Quran' (الأسلوب التخيلي في القرآن), is an academic work by Dr. Sheikh Ahmad Al-Laban that explores the creative and imaginative aspects of Quranic literary style. It offers an analytical approach to understanding the Quran's unique narrative techniques. Key features: • Academic analysis of Quranic literary style • Focus on imaginative and creative elements • Written by Islamic scholar Dr. Sheikh Ahmad Al-Laban • Published by Al Balagh Cultural Association • Scholarly examination of Quranic narrative techniques The book appears to be published with a minimalist design featuring gold text on a light background, reflecting its academic nature. The subtitle 'محاولة للاقتراب' (An Attempt to Approach) suggests this work aims to provide an accessible analysis of complex Quranic literary concepts. It represents an important contribution to Islamic literary studies and Quranic interpretation.