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10-minutes Philosophy 63301

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How would you answer if someone asked you what is your philosophy in life? Why do some people find it difficult to read and comprehend philosophy? Do you have a lot of questions and search many sources to no avail? In this book: • A very precise summary of the most important and influential global philosophies in history. • 8 practical and systematic methods to tame our minds and modify our lifestyles. • 3 basic rules for feeling content, accepting life, and judging fate and loss. • Understand the true meaning of discovering the purpose of our lives. • Detailed concepts about the philosophy of happiness, unhappiness, hope, and despair. • What are the philosophies of Taoism, Confucianism, Stoicism, Buddhism, and most common philosophical terms? After reading this book, you will become more familiar with the concepts of philosophy and the most famous global intellectual trends of philosophers and thinkers.”