


Doxatrim 1 L - Doxal

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COMPOSITION:   Active substance: Trimethoprim 25.0 g Sulfamethazine 62.5 g Sulfadimethoxine 62.5 g Target species. broilers, turkeys  Indications for use, specifying species of destination: broilers, turkey: Intestinal infections (Colibacillosis, Salmonellosis). Respiratory and systemic infections. Uro-genital infections sustained by sulphonamide sensitive germs Contra-indications: the drug has not be administrated to subject with known sensitivity to sulphonamides; in animals with renal diseases the administration has to be done under direct veterinary control. Adverse reactions: Allergic reaction may appear in subject particularly sensitive. Direct exposition to sun light of treated animals skin eritemes may appear as photosensitivity reaction. Cases of crystallyria, ematuria, acute toxicity phenomenas as trombocitopenia and leucopenia have been signed. Long oral administration may cause deficiency in vitamin k, and moreover alteraction are described in digestion of cellulosem in fermentation of glucides and inappetence. If heavy adverse reaction or other reaction not mentioned in this label appear please inform the veterinary. Special warnings for each species of destination: do not administer to laying hens producing eggs for human use. Use of Doxatrim in broilers has to be conform to CE1177/2006 regulation referring to national rules. Special precautions for the use in animals: the use of the product has to be based on sensitivity test observing law regulation, local and official, relating to anti microbial substance. Particular attention has to be carry out on farming proceeding in order to avoid stress condition. Repeated or long use of Doxatrim has to be avoided, increasing managment proceeding and trough disinfection and cleaning. In order to prevent the eventual appereance of cristalluria in animals under therapy they could have sufficient quantity of fresh drinking water. Do not mix in solid feed. Special precautions for the person administering the product: person with known hypersensitivity to sulphamidics has to avoid contact with veterinary drug. Adopting the usual proceeding of preparation or administration of the product aren’t necessary particular precaution to operator, however avoid contact is better; we suggest the use of protective gloves in handling the product; do not eat, drink or smoke during handling; welll wash hands after use. In case of contamination well wash with water and soap. In case of ingestion, apply immediately to medical device showing product summary specification of label. Overdosage (symtom emergency actions, antidotes) if necessary. No toxic effects are known by overdosage related to the use of product. Incompatibility: no compatibility studies are present, do not mix with other veterinary drugs. Dosages and administration route: the medicinal product must be administered diluted in drinking water or in liquid feed, according to veterinary prescription. The concentration in drinking water must be re-calculated depending on the real animal body weight and on the effective water or liquid feed consumption. Broilers turkey: 0.5-1 ml/L of drinking water, for 5-6 days equivalent to 7.1- 13.1 mg sulphamethazine/kg l.w., 7.1-13.1 mg sulphadimethoxine/kg l.w. 2.6-5.3 mg trimethoprim/kg l.w.