



134669 My Childhood So Far

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A novel of a different Palestinian love, transcending poverty, oppression, and small and big wars. As much as it embraces the biography of its narrator and its characters - over a period of sixty years - it embraces the biography of a people, and as much as it is a biography of the present place, the camp, it is a biography of the absent place, Palestine. The narrative of diaspora, the narrative of man and his ability to heal himself, in a difficult, deadly and besieged reality, as is the narrative of attachment to beauty, and the struggle of the soul to hold on to this beauty, in all its forms; The beauty that is embraced by the eyes of innocence that are wide open, in parallel with a reality that is multiplied by its distortion. A magnet novel, with a gravitational pull that pulls you to the top, to fly over the camp, over setbacks, and over death... a story of life.