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In 1879, Tolstoy - the great Russian writer, one of the world's most famous writers, the fifty-one-year-old author of "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina" - was at the height of his glory, when he suddenly asked: What after all that I have reached ? What is the point of my life? What is the purpose of it? At the time, he felt that he had not achieved anything, and that his life was meaningless, so he wrote the most important events he had gone through, to reflect on them, and to search for answers from science, philosophy, and religion, and to reach a vision that would lead him out of the deep intellectual and spiritual crisis that made him lose all desire for life. The Russian Church prevented the publication of this confession for years, until it was published abroad and translated into most languages of the world. Translated into Arabic by Archimandrite “Antonius Bashir”, the Lebanese theologian, writer and orator. An anxious and profound text revealing faith and meaning that has inspired generations of readers around the world..