



A House Without Windows 730906

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They were all galvanized after 9/11 and startled by angry strangers yelling at them in the street in the aftermath of the disaster. His father was happy with the US decision to invade Afghanistan, although he had neither the intention nor the hope of returning there. Only fools run into a building on fire, he would say sarcastically. When Yusuf was in his first year at New York University, the news of Afghanistan was everywhere to the point of boredom. Afghanistan was the suicide attacks, and the women were the victims of violence and corruption. In his second year, he rushed into a class to study human rights, thinking that it was an easy way to add to his grade point average. In the second lecture, the flames ignited. A flood of memories came back from Afghanistan, the dead bodies of young children working in blacksmithing, a young journalist who was slaughtered with his wife and children, the inhumane conditions in refugee camps, the sale of young girls to pay off opium debts, war criminals who are untouched by the law. How could he turn his back on all this? There are others who couldn't, others who were brave. Others carried the cause of those who have no voice. Youssef lived and breathed the American dream that one person can make a difference. Saturated with the Student Union leaflets and the optimistic speech of the university professors. He attended the first protest demonstration and loved cheering with the others. he raised his voice . He tasted the taste of struggle, the anger that aroused in him. Anger is better than fear.