



The Choice 730951

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In 1944, Eva Egger was 16 when the Nazis sent her and her family to Auschwitz, where they crossed the gates of hell. She was separated from her parents as soon as she arrived, and she endured with her sister and others unimaginably cruel experiences, starting with suffocating her mother in the gas chambers to death, then forcing her to dance in front of her executioner, and not ending with her being pulled from a pile of corpses while she was on her last breath. Dr. Egger tells through the pages of this book about her horrific experience in the Nazi concentration camps, and how she survived because she kept the flame of hope burning inside her. To become a psychotherapist after her survival, she helps others to survive trauma, disappointment and loss, and to dismantle their mental prisons, stone by stone. This book is, as Dr. Egger intended it to be, a tool for healing. It is not time that heals, but what you do with time.