



Financial Freedom 768480

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The average person has approximately 25,000 days to live in their adult life. If you are reading this book, you probably need to trade money for your time in order to live a safe, healthy, and happy life. But if you don't have to work to earn money, you will be able to spend that time as you please. Nobody cares about your time like you, and people will try. Exploiting your time, occupying it with more meetings and calls, but it is your time... your time that you have no one else, and that is why this book was designed to help you make the most of it, earn money and buy time. The goal of this book is to help you retire as soon as possible. And when I say retire, I don't mean you'll never work again. I mean, you'll have money so you never have to work again. It is complete financial freedom, meaning the ability to do whatever you like with your time .