



Stop pleasing others 062670

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“The book Stop pleasing others is one of the most famous translated works in the classification of intellectual works - Have you ever encountered a situation where you tried to please others at the expense of yourself? - Do you feel guilty when you stand up for yourself, even if you are right? - Do you sometimes ask yourself why others do not seek to please me as I try to do with them? -Are attempts to please oneself considered selfish? No one can live alone, isolated from everyone...but sometimes love for others pushes us to make a great effort to please the people around us, even if that is at the expense of ourselves and our psychological comfort! The writer explains what causes us to behave this way, how to treat them, and how to make yourself your priority. It explains the reasons that led to you trying to please others at the expense of yourself. The biggest mistake a person can make is to please others while gradually losing himself forever. In this book, we will know how we can maintain our relationship with others while satisfying ourselves. We will learn how we can love ourselves and take care of our mental health, and how this will help us more to gain the love, respect and approval of everyone.”