



Bramble 391403

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. A new novel by the writer, Al-Jawhara Al-Rimal, has been published, a novel entitled: “The Bramble”, which is a remarkable and attractive title, in relation to the bramble tree that the legend says about, and it is a tree under which a tribe of elves lives, and in some Arab countries it is called the demonic tree. Use it in a way that serves the idea of the novel. The novel of Al-Awsaj is different from the pattern of the rest of the previous publications of the author, Al-Jawhara Al-Rimal, as the protagonist of the novel is a man, Gibran, who was afflicted with a curse that made him suffer from insomnia and prompted him every time to choose a victim to kill her, so that after that he would enjoy a peaceful sleep for months, and his first victim is his mother, until she appears as a mound, and she is a fairy from the well-known Ghilan tribe With her dominion and power, to show him the bramble tree to get rid of this curse. A novel between the truth of the crime and the killer's delirium, it takes you to the world of suspense and anticipation to live a reality that Gibran himself tells us about a real curse that occurred hundreds of years ago and returned to our time, and you do not know whether the hero gets rid of it or she gets rid of him.