Product Overview: The Beurer IPL5500 Pure Skin Pro is a compact device designed for long-lasting hair removal, utilizing Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology to deactivate hair follicles and prevent regrowth. Key Features: ‣ Compact Design: Ideal for treating small and hard-to-reach areas ofThe body. ‣ Auto Flash Mode: Ensures convenient application with continuous flashes. ‣ 3.1 cm² Light Surface: Provides precise application for effective results. ‣ Up to 200,000 Light Pulses: Offers extended usability over time. Technical Specifications: ‣ Dimensions: 23 cm x 9 cm x 5 cm ‣ Material: High-quality plastic construction. ‣ Performance: Clinically tested for long-lasting hair reduction; visible results after 3–4 treatments. ‣ Compatibility: Suitable for various skin types; includes safety features such as skin contact sensor and integrated UV filter.