



09015 Greatness Mentality

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Hard work and discipline are important to achieve success, but what is more important is setting the right direction and correcting your path every time by having the right mindset. Discipline also becomes impossible if your feelings overwhelm you every time, or if you do not have the right mindset to deal with them, failure, or the doubts you have about yourself. The correct mentality, or the mentality of greatness, changes in the writer’s words. It is gained through the correct input. This input may come from the family environment, or from an inspiring professor, or from a best friend, or even from old poetry. The source does not matter as much as it is important for the mentality to be positive and not clash with human nature. And his psychological nature, which is a drive to success and greatness) without sacrificing a person’s well-being and psychological health. This is what the book seeks to present to the reader, using the opinions of science and experts throughout this book.