



51500 One Thousand And One Nights

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She said: It has reached me, O happy king, that when the second minister finished his speech, he concluded it by saying: Get your reward and outcome good. Then the third minister rose and said: O just king, give good tidings of immediate goodness and future reward. Because everyone whom the people of earth love will be loved by the people of heaven, and God Almighty has divided love for you and placed it in the hearts of the people of His kingdom. To Him belongs thanks and praise from us and from you, so that He may increase His blessing upon you and upon us through you. And know, O King, that man cannot do anything except by the command of God Almighty, and that He is the Giver and every good thing of a person ends with Him. He divided blessings among his servants as he liked. Some of them gave him many talents, some of them occupied him with earning food, and some of them made him an ascetic in this world, desiring it, because he is the one who said: I am the one who harms and benefits, I heal and sick, I enrich and poor, I kill and I give life, and in my hand is everything and to me is the return. It is the duty of all people to thank him.