




Qatar that we lived - PB

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In the march of every people and nation, articulated events are immortalized by history, and time engraved them on the walls of memory, they are unforgettable indeed. Qatar that I lived is full of distinguished events and inspiring moments, as I have experienced six out of eight of its rulers. And Sheikh Qassim bin Mohammed Al Thani, the founder and builder of Qatar, is my great-grandfather. This book contains comprehensive answers to questions in the minds of some about Qatar's soft power, and how to compensate for it, the lightness of demography, the limitations of geography, the weight of diplomacy, and the breadth of international reliability, as well as its vision that resulted in its progress becoming one of the richest countries and its possession of Qatar Arirways, one of the most prominent international airlines. And the famous Al Jazeera news network, and its leadership in the safest and least-crime countries, and its crowning as the first Middle Eastern Arab country to host the world's most popular tournament, the 2022 FIFA World Cup, in what can be described as a miracle that we list its roots in the march of Qatar as a people and the ruler. With pictures and documents, the book reveals how we moved from desert life and diving on precious pearls, where we used to gift to the human elegance the most beautiful types of pearls in the past, passing by our entry to the energy era and ascending to the throne of liquefied natural gas exporting countries, all the way to diversifying the economy with billions of successful investments roaming the world, and moving towards an economy based on knowledge keeping up with the accelerating present, and looking forward to a future filled with innovations of digitization and artificial intelligence, so that these lines remain a testimony and document of history, and a message to future generations that the elevation of nations and peoples has nothing to do with the large number or the wide geographical area, as long as the unity of the people and the vision of leadership and good governance is provided.