



Space boy36281

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Deep within her aunt's remote farm in America, lives Ruth, a twelve-year-old orphan, who dreams of adventures hidden in the corridors of history every night. Ruth gazes at the star-studded sky, wondering about distant worlds and nearby planets that may be teeming with life and extraterrestrial creatures. But one night, something unexpected happens that turns Ruth's life upside down. As she stares at the stars, she discovers a bright light sneaking from the sky and gliding towards the neighboring field. It's a flying saucer that lands quietly, and from inside emerges a strange being unlike anything she has seen before. Fear of the unknown turns into excitement and amazement when it turns out that this alien creature possesses extraordinary abilities and unbelievable powers. Suddenly, Ruth's hidden desire for adventure and excitement is fulfilled. With each new challenge they face, friendship and trust grow between Ruth and the space boy. They find strength and courage to confront the obstacles in their path. As they oscillate between funny and thrilling situations, we learn that the secret of the space boy is different from what we expected.