


Udderine ointment 1 Kg - Vapco

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Composition (Per kg): Camphor (10 gm): A topical analgesic that relieves pain and reduces inflammation. Povidone Iodine (36.5 gm): An antiseptic that helps in disinfecting the skin and killing bacteria. Eucalyptus Oil (10 gm): Has antimicrobial properties and helps soothe the affected area. Ethanol (40 gm): A disinfectant that aids in cleaning the area and enhancing the penetration of other ingredients. Paraffin Oil (10 gm): Serves as a moisturizing agent, keeping the skin smooth and preventing dryness. Indications: Udder fibrosis and mastitis in cattle, sheep, and goats: Effective against infections caused by Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, and E. coli bacteria. Skin disinfection: Helps kill bacteria in the infected area. Sprains, arthritis, and muscular rheumatism: Alleviates pain and reduces inflammation in these conditions. Application Instructions: Clean the affected area with warm water and soap. Dry the area thoroughly. Apply the ointment daily until the area heals. Storage: Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight, at temperatures below 30°C. This product appears to be highly versatile in treating various conditions related to bacterial infections, inflammation, and pain in livestock.