


Enema 135 Ml

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Enema 135Ml Is A Treatment Designed To Relieve Occasional Constipation By Introducing Liquid Into The Rectum To Stimulate Bowel Movements. The Liquid Can Soften Stool And Promote Its Expulsion, Offering Quick Relief. It Is Often Used For Bowel Cleansing Before Certain Medical Procedures, Such As Colonoscopies. Side Effects: Common Side Effects Include Mild Rectal Irritation, A Feeling Of Urgency, Or Abdominal Discomfort. In Rare Cases, It May Cause Rectal Bleeding, Infection, Or Dehydration If Misused. Precautions: Avoid Frequent Use, As It Can Lead To Dependency. Consult A Healthcare Provider Before Use If You Are Pregnant, Have Heart Or Kidney Conditions, Or Suffer From Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. Follow Instructions Carefully To Minimize Risks Of Perforation Or Other Complications.