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The Lepresso Cold Brew Machine Offers Both Hot And Chilled Beverages With Ease. Its Intuitive One-Button System Simplifies The Process, Providing A Low-Effort Experience. Personalize Your Choices With Adjustable Strength Settings, While Its Expansive Filter Basket Optimizes Flavor Extraction. The Machine'S Washable Nylon Filter Allows For Effortless Cleaning. With A Water Reservoir Capable Of Holding 0.9 Liters And A Server Holding 2.5 Liters, It Is Suitable For Multiple Servings. Powered By 750 Watts And Compatible With 220-240 Volts, It Includes A Standard Uk Plug. Though Compact At 275 X 167 X 348 Millimeters, Its Clever Design Allows It To Adeptly Fill Any Kitchen'S Role In Crafting Refreshing Iced Coffees Or Soothing Hot Teas.