Key Information ‣ Uses: This kit is designed for early detection of pregnancy, providing results a few days before a missed period. It detects the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), a hormone produced during pregnancy. ‣ Directions: Remove the test stick from the wrapper. Hold the absorbent tip downward in the urine stream for a few seconds, ensuring it is thoroughly wet. Alternatively, collect urine in a clean cup and dip the stick into the urine. Lay the stick flat and wait for the designated time to view the results, as per the instructions provided. ‣ Warnings & Precautions: Use the test on or after the day of the expected period for the most accurate results. Do not drink excessive fluids before the test to avoid diluting the hormone levels in the urine. If the test result is negative and there is still no menstrual period, retest a few days later or consult a healthcare provider.