


Qvy Syrup 100Ml

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Qvy Syrup Is An Herbal Formulation Designed To Provide Relief From Common Respiratory Conditions, Such As Cough, Sore Throat, And Chest Congestion. Crafted With A Combination Of Natural Herbs And Soothing Ingredients, Qvy Syrup Helps To Clear The Airways, Reduce Inflammation, And Calm Irritation In The Throat. It Is Commonly Used To Ease Symptoms Associated With Colds, Flu, And Allergies, Offering A Gentle Yet Effective Remedy. Side Effects: While Qvy Syrup Is Generally Well-Tolerated, Some Individuals May Experience: Mild Stomach Upset Nausea Drowsiness Or Sedation, Depending On The Herbal Ingredients Used If Any Severe Reactions Or Allergic Responses Occur, Such As Difficulty Breathing Or Swelling, Seek Medical Attention Immediately. Precautions: Allergies: If You Are Allergic To Any Ingredients In The Syrup, Avoid Use And Consult A Doctor. Pregnancy And Breastfeeding: Consult Your Healthcare Provider Before Using Qvy Syrup If Pregnant Or Breastfeeding To Ensure Safety. Chronic Health Conditions: Individuals With Chronic Health Conditions, Especially Respiratory Or Cardiovascular Issues, Should Consult A Healthcare Provider Before Use. Children: Always Follow The Recommended Dosage For Children. Consult A Doctor For Specific Dosing Recommendations For Younger Children.