Colorful space-themed sticker sheet designed for kids featuring adorable astronaut characters and various space elements. The sheet includes multiple astronauts in different poses along with celestial bodies, rockets, telescopes, and other space exploration items. Key features: • Multiple astronaut characters in various poses • Space-related elements like rockets, planets, and stars • Colorful and kid-friendly designs • Large crescent moon centerpiece • Includes telescopes and satellites • Self-adhesive sticker sheet • Purple decorative border frame This sticker sheet is part of the 'Kids Happy' collection, perfect for young space enthusiasts. The designs feature a mix of whimsical and educational space elements, with astronauts depicted in playful activities like floating and exploring. The stickers include both large and small designs, from the prominent crescent moon to smaller stars and UFOs, allowing for creative arrangement and decoration. The color palette combines whites, blues, greens, and oranges with purple accents.